Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cause and Effect Speaking Assignment

For the spoken portion of your online portfolio (blog), you will create a spoken discussion of your Cause and Effect topic.  While this can be similar to the introduction of your essay, this has some different elements and serves a different purpose; thus, do not simply read your introduction for this assignment.

The purpose of recording an oral piece for your portfolio is to introduce yourself, your topic, and your ideas to your audience.  Because this will be a well-rehearsed recording, your grammar should be accurate as well as your pronunciation.  To be sure that you have used correct grammar, pronunciation and intonation, you will write your oral portion first.  We will practice reciting them in class and, perhaps, on Google Voice.  The final recording will count as a test grade.

This should be about 1 ½ to 2 mins and will be something we put into a video for your online portfolio. 

Here is what your oral piece should include:

  1. Brief personal introduction
    1. What is your name?
    2. What is your topic/issue and why are you interested in it? 
  1. Cause and Effect summary
    1. What are some of the causes and effects for your issue? You may consider the points you used for your essay.
  1. Solution?
    1. If you had the power to solve this problem, what would be your solution? What should we do to fix this? This portion is designed to get you ready for argumentation and should use the words “must,” “need to” or “should”
                                              i.     EX: “To solve this problem I think we should….(explain your idea and some support)” 
  1. Conclusion
    1. “Thanks for listening” …. Maybe offer the readers an action. For example, perhaps you encourage them to post a response in your blog since this will end up there.

 Sample Oral Introduction to Portfolio:

Hello, my name is Vince and I am very pleased to introduce you to my portfolio. For the first half of the quarter, I studied the effects of urban congestion. I am interested in this because I have lived in cities my entire life, and everyday I see the good sides and the bad sides to having so many people packed into such a small space. I am also interested in this topic because with all the challenges we face with urban congestion, it is important to know the effects and causes so that we can find intelligent solutions to the problems we face.

While investigating this topic, I came to the conclusion that there are two bad effects to urban congestion and one good one. The bad effects may appear obvious, but it is important to think about the causes to this as well. With urban congestion there is increased crime and more pollution. The increased crime comes not only because there are more people, and those people are closer to each other, but because it puts different kind of people together, which can often lead to problems. For example, because they don’t have as much as others, poor people steal from and rob people who have more.

Increased pollution comes about because there are obviously more people and more waste, but the other more interesting effect is that because of congestion many people try to find good solutions to managing pollution and waste.

Finally, the good effect is connected to my previous idea: Congestion, while presenting challenges, also urges people to work closely to solve common problems. Without this congestion, maybe these problems go on unnoticed.

If I could solve these problems I would urge local communities to create taskforces to help monitor pollution and crime and find ways to stop it. Many communities do this with crimewatch and recycling and the like. But if I ran a city, I would make it a bit more mandatory or offer some more tax breaks or something. I really believe that in order to solve common problems we have to work together, and I think government should do more to have its citizens do just that.

Thank you very much for taking the time to explore my ideas and my portfolio. Please leave a comment and I would be happy to have a dialogue with you. 

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