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Based on our discussions and the class readings (including the reading we did in class), answer the prompt below. Be thoughtful and thorough, and, of course, write well to aid your communication efforts.
"People often think that it is the
Environment vs. the Economy. Meaning, that in order to have a strong economy a
country has to make policy that promotes using resources rather than sustaining
them. Do you agree with this idea? Can a government balance its
economic and environmental needs?"
economic and environmental needs?"
Post your answers below in the "comments" section. Make sure to sign your name at the end so I know who it is! This will be a graded assignment, but I am more interested in a good conversation. This should be about a paragraph in length.
Hi! Vince, I am Qianran.
ReplyDeleteI agree this idea. In my opinion, encironment is more important than economy. Environment is the base and condition of the economical development. No economical development can leave the environment away. Economical development has to take the resource, so protecting the resource well is improve economy. For example, if a country develops economy based on destroying the enciroment, when this country find this problem, they will cost more money to protect the environment. As we can see, destroying the environment to develop the environment, the other way round, it will restrict the ecomomical development. Government has to balence the environment and the economy. I think formulating a good plan is a way to balence them
I do not agree with this idea. Economic development should never be at the cost of the environment. But now the present serious environment problems are largely caused by economic development. For example, land resources are shrinking because of the industrial development and the expansion of cities. Deserts are spreading because of over grazing, poor fanning, tree cutting, and strip mining. Our air and water supplies are being polluted by poisonous gassesand waste products. If we have not a good environment to live, economic development will be meaningless to us. Our ultimate aim in economic development is to provide a comfortable and happy life for our people. So government should balance economic and environment. Government can make new law to protect environment. Such as prohibit cutting tree, limit exhaust emission, supervise the pollution of factories. Government should make a contribution to balance between environment and economic development.
ReplyDeleteI agree that government should balance the growing betwwen economy and the environment protection. In our daily life,web know that people cannot live without money nor natural environment. However, environment is more important than making money. As we can livewith less money, and we can make money whenever we want,but we cannot have a beautiful environment whenever we want.All in all, government should make a big contribution to our environment.
Hi Vince I am Hans
ReplyDeleteI strongly disagree with this idea. People may feel comfortable and easy to use environment without thinking at the first time. However, after they need their nature to protect their country and want to sustain them, the environment had already gone. For example, our country and many other countries which developed their economy without sustaining environment suffer from protecting their precious nature resources. South Korea lost our own wolf. So we try to find them and make it by artificial way but it’s not a real, original one. And also, we can have both developing economy and sustain our environment. One of the logging companies in Korea is logging at island in Polynesia. Whenever they log one big tree, they plant 10 young trees. So, they can sustain that island’s forest and also develop that island by giving job and also, they can earn the money.
ReplyDeleteI am Slama
In my opinion , there is strong relation between the environment and the economy. Because the environment has good resources of raw materials which used for the manufacturing processes. the environment has many resources such as water , oil, plants , animals ... etc.Any country doesn't have the good resources of environment ,that means it doesn't have a strong economy.
Hi Vince. I'm Yijie.
ReplyDeleteAcrose reading this idea, I think I disagree with this opinion that give up enviroment to develop economy. That is a very foolish idea. People in this world live together and they rely on the eviroment and resource to live. They are necessary for people. Some people or some countries wasted a lot of resource to develop their economy, but I think it is temporary benifites. They may get money and better life, but it is temporary enjoyment. They don't think about children's life or people's life in the future. That just shows people's selfish! So in my opinion, economy should be balanced with enviroment. That is we called sustainable development.
As far as i am concerned, to some extent economy development and environment protection are controversy. just as what the article Chinese turtle said that in developing countries, such as China and Brazil, animals and plants are more than biological resources. people can make financial benefit from it. Consequently it is inevitable to sacrifice environment for economy, especially when the country progress rapidly. Although economy and environment are controversy, government can find a way to balance it. For example, government can build reservations to protect certain animals and plants. what's more create more laws to limit human developing. Further more when the country's economy reaches its summit government should go back to rebuild some habitat, such as wetlands, forests,and grasslands for some species.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with this view. I think that environmental protection and economic development should promote each other. There is no economic development if environmental protection cannot be implemented because environmental protection requires a lot of money. Only care about economic development, and pay no attention to environmental protection is a suicidal behavior for humans. Resources are the basis of the economy. Today, we are predatory style obtained will lead to resource depletion. Environmental degradation will eventually lead to humans cannot survive. Therefore, I think the balanced development of environmental protection and economic development is very important.
I disagree with this idea. as we read in one of the articles in CR book that tell us if we using resources " enviroment " rather than sustaining them we will harm some animals and forest habitat. If we really need to use it we can use dead trees to protect thier enviroment. However, government should balance between it becouse the environmental protection and economic development promote each other .
ReplyDeleteI disagree that economy vs enveroment. In my opnion ,boh are usually rely on each other . Economy need to the enviroment to develope at the same time rich countries will care more about thier enviroment .I know that is so diffecult to balance betwwen it but we have to work in this issue.